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Skin Care Tips : How to identify your Skin Type

Know your skin type

Knowing your skin type is important when it comes to caring for your skin. It’s also worth remembering that your lifestyle plays a big role in the health of your skin. Good habits like regular exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep all contribute to having healthy skin. Once you understand your skin type you will be able to care for it with the right skincare products and lifestyle choices.

Skin falls into four general categories, namely; Normal, Dry, Oily, and Sensitive. Dry, oily, and sensitive skin is not just confined to the face; it can affect the body as well.

Normal Skin

Normal skin generally has a healthy , vital appearance which is characterized by clear, blemish-free skin. A lightweight moisturize like Mi Revitalizing Rice Bran Lotion will moisturize the skin leaving it feeling light and fresh.

Oily Skin

Interestingly enough, oily skin affects more men than women. Oily skin is prone to breakouts and blackheads, and is characterized by a shiny appearance.

Dry Skin

Dry skin lacks moisture and very rarely suffers breakouts due to a lack of sebum. Due to dehydration, fine facial lines are often visible around the eyes,mouth, forehead and chin whilst on the body dry skin is most visible on the knees , elbows and hands. It is imperative to apply a good body butter like Mi Fair Trade Shea Butter Creme to counteract flaky skin

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can affect any area of the body and can feel dry and tight. This skin type cannot tolerate sun exposure and needs to be cared for with specialized skincare products to avoid negative and painful reactions.

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